Can other people see what you liked on Instagram?

Understanding the Difference Name vs. Handle

Instagram, a leading social media platform, thrives on user engagement through likes, comments, and shares. For many users, liking posts is a way to express approval, support, or interest in content ranging from friends’ photos to public figures’ updates. However, a common concern among users is privacy—specifically, whether others can see what they’ve liked. Understanding the visibility of your likes on Instagram can help you navigate the platform more confidently.

The “like” feature on Instagram is a fundamental part of the user experience, driving interaction and connection among users. While liking posts is straightforward, the implications of these likes, in terms of who can see them, are less clear to many users. This article explores the visibility of likes on Instagram, covering various scenarios and features to provide a comprehensive understanding of how your interactions are displayed to others.

Visibility Through the Activity Feed

One of the primary ways your likes are visible to others is through the activity feed. When you like a post, this action is recorded and can be seen by your followers in their activity feed. This feed, accessible by tapping the heart icon and navigating to the “Following” tab, shows recent activities, including likes and comments, from people they follow. However, Instagram has gradually minimized the prominence of this feature, making it less likely that casual users will frequently check this feed.

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Post Visibility

When you like a post, anyone who can see that post can also see your like. The visibility depends on the account’s privacy settings:

  • Public Accounts: If you like a post from a public account, anyone who views that post, regardless of whether they follow you, can see your like. This is because public posts are open to all users on the platform.
  • Private Accounts: If you like a post from a private account, only the followers approved by that account can see your like. This ensures a more controlled visibility, aligned with the private nature of the account.

Stories and Direct Messages

Instagram Stories, a feature allowing users to post photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours, also allow for user interaction through likes. When you like a story, only the person who posted the story can see your reaction. This makes likes on stories more private compared to likes on regular posts.

Similarly, likes in direct messages (DMs) are confined to the participants of the conversation. If you like a message or media in a DM, only those involved in the chat can see it.

Profile Visibility

There isn’t a dedicated section on your Instagram profile that displays all the posts you’ve liked. In the past, Instagram had a “Following” activity tab that showed followers’ likes and comments more prominently, but this feature has been de-emphasized in recent updates. Now, the visibility of your likes is primarily through individual interactions, as described above.


In conclusion, while Instagram does allow others to see what you’ve liked, the extent of this visibility varies based on several factors, including the type of content and privacy settings of the accounts involved. Understanding these nuances can help you manage your activity on Instagram more effectively. By being aware of how and where your likes are displayed, you can engage with content on the platform in a way that aligns with your privacy preferences and social interactions.

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